Sunday, February 6, 2011

SAS Expander

SAS Expander was introduced in 2006 and it has become an important building block of storage arrays. As the name implies, Expander are like a Ethernet Switch for expanding storage topologies. In theory, you could daisy chain multiple Expanders and build larger storage fabric.  

I've identified few issues related to Expanders below.

Topology convergence
SAS/SATA and Expanders can be dynamically plugged into fabric anytime. This generates tons of IDENTIFICATION and BROADCAST primitive which causes HBA and Expander to generate discovery commands. If HBA is overwhelmed with such primitives, it stops executing IO---instead it start servicing primitives!!

Expanders enforce simple QoS using Open Frame Pathway Block Count and Arbitration Wait timer when multiple Initiators attempting to access storage resource. Expander are essentially stateless and rely on HBA for above information. HBA could gain access to a storage resource by manipulating above value 

Resource locking
SAS disks support Disconnect/Reconnect Mode Pages. This is used to limit burst data transfer, duration of Data Phases etc. Multiple SAS initiator could modify/change this page resulting in overriding each other values.  SATA/STP protocol does not support any such Mode Pages and STP Initiator can hold the resource using SATA affiliations.  In a multi initiator STP environment, there are no way for Expander to implement fairness among all initiators.  If a Initiator cannot fully utilize the allocated resource then bandwidth can't be distributed among the other resources in need. There are several algorithms used to achieve max-min fairness in the use of a resource. Many of these algorithms were developed for cell phone and wireless networks; however, they can generally be applied to Expanders. Time Based Regulator (TBR) algorithm based on the leaky bucket scheme are used. The TBR algorithm equally distributes the long-term channel occupancy time among the various sources. The tokens used in the algorithm represent a unit of time and are periodically generated for all sources. Expanders could open/close connections to the Initiator/Target depending on unit of time allocated.

Also due to Class 1 SAS protocol, once I_T_L_Q connection are established, Expander simply pushes incoming SAS/STP frames and primitives to an Egress port. Primitives are 32 bit dwords without any state information such as Source and Destination Address and essentially are used to flow control and manage connections between Initiator and Target devices.  When daisy chaining multiple Expanders, typically only x4 or x8 physical links are used. If there are hundreds of Initiator/Target exist in such fabric, the number of active I/O transfers across devices are limited to number of links between Expanders. Also HBA and Target devices start timing out if credit and flow control are not received with 1ms. As primitives and SSP/STP frames propagate through multiple Expanders, considerable latencies are added resulting in I/O timeout. Unlike Ethernet, storage drivers are very sensitive to errors. Once I/O start to timeout, its almost impossible to recover from errors without some sort of reset.

1 comment:

  1. Hi,

    SAS Expanders allow you to maximize the storage capability of your SAS controller card. It also provided an excellent way to increase the standard distance between SCSI devices by improving SCSI signal integrity. The expanders are now almost exclusively used for expansion rather than signal conversio.

    SAS Expander
